
Streams lookup Class

Lets the user search for streams by type and title, and choose them


Streams lookup

  • [options]


  • [options] Array optional

    Override various options for this tool

    • [publisherId=Q.Users.communityId] String optional

      id of the user publishing the streams

    • types Array

      the types of streams the user can select

    • [typeNames] Object optional

      pairs of {type: typeName} to override names of the types, which would otherwise be taken from the types

    • [multiple=false] Boolean optional

      whether the user can select multiple types

    • [onChoose] Q.Event optional

      This event handler occurs when one of the elements with class "Q_filter_results" is chosen. It is passed (streamName, element, obj) where you can modify obj.text to set the text which will be displayed in the text input to represent the chosen item.

    • [filter] Object optional

      any options for the Q/filter tool

Item Index




  • An

Call this method to refresh the contents of the tool, requesting only what's needed and redrawing only what's needed.


  • An Function

    optional callback to call after refresh has completed. It receives (result, entering, exiting, updating) arguments.